It's International Women's Day

1848 - The woman suffrage movement begins when a women's rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. ... Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other women's rights pioneers, suffragists circulated petitions and lobbied Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to enfranchise women. 1920 - 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. Unlocking this milestone for women required a lengthy and difficult struggle. Women have been fighting for a long time for equally, and have accomplished so much throughout the decades. Today we're celebrating International Women's Day with some fast facts below. Enjoy! 

Teresa Cheng was the first female involved in labor rights activism as a college student at the University of Southern California. 

Tattoo by: Juan Sebastian

Mildred Didrikson Zaharias, better known as “Babe,” played her way into national fame in 1932, when she entered the U.S. women’s track and field championship. She won five events and the overall championship and went on to the Olympics.

Tattoo by: Mari Rainha

Sojourner Truth escaped slavery with her infant daughter in 1826. Among many of Truth’s legacies, she took the world by storm - speaking on emancipation, politicians, political action, racism, women’s rights, and segregation.

Tattoo by: Fran Sipriano

Jane Goodall's passion and connection with the environment and animals have inspired generations to conserve & protect the environment (and its inhabitants).

Tattoo by: Carol Laufer

Tattoo by: Orçun Yalçin

From raising families to leading armies, women like Catherine the Great, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Elizabeth I, Susan B. Anthony, Marie Curie, and countless others have played a vital role in human civilization and women's history.

Keep breaking stereotypes and inspiring each other. #IWD2020 

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