Five Tattoo Myths: What's True & What's Not

Pain areas: as you might have guessed getting a tattoo hurts but some areas hurt more than others. What do you think hurts more the fingers & feet or the legs & arms? It's the fingers & feet! With more tiny bones and veins these areas are high up on the pain chart. Wondering what areas hurt the least? Check out the pain chart below.

Myth #1: I should take pain medicine before my tattoo. 

This is (drum roll please) FALSE! Please stop taking medicine before getting a tattoo. Most painkillers are blood thinners that can cause you to bleed more during a tattoo.

Myth #2No more giving blood.

This is partially true but mostly false. You can, of course, give blood again after getting a tattoo, but each place is different: some will say wait four months, some will say wait a year, but rest assure you will be able to donate blood again.

Myth #3: Anyone who can draw can be a tattoo artist.

False. A lot of work goes into becoming a tattoo artist and though being able to draw is the start of a good foundation, it's not a guarantee that this is the job for you. Ask yourself can you deal with blood? Can you handle people who are in pain? And find yourself an apprenticeship; it won't be easy but it's totally worth it.

Myth #4: Getting a tattoo hurts more than giving birth.

Excuse us for a moment (hahahahaha) this is false. Please do not irritate the pregnant woman in your life by comparing your tattoo to giving birth. We're guessing most heard this myth by their parents. As previously stated, tattoos hurt but are very different from giving birth.

Myth #5: Some colors are harder to remove than others.

True! They say the easiest colors to remove are black, red, yellow, and white. Meanwhile, blue is on the more difficult side. Technology is advancing and most likely whatever you get can be removed, some inks just are tougher than others.


Which myth surprised you the most? Comment below. 




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