Freshly Inked Interview with Jason Elliott

How did you learn to tattoo?

I had a formal apprenticeship but the guy told me then that I would probably pass everyone up at the shop pretty quick and then It would rely more on my determination to get better but they would show me what they could. 

Would you say tattooing was something you were born to do or more like something you stumbled onto?
I never thought about tattooing, honesty I was dirt poor as a kid and drew constantly on boxes and goodwill clothes which my parents hated. I’d often draw my favorite band album covers on the backs of jackets and pants and then sell them at school. Later in life friends really pushed me to try out tattooing as a last resort from constantly getting laid off from jobs I decided to give it a shot. The first tattoo I did I knew then I was always meant to do this. 
What style of tattooing do you focus on? Realism/surrealism/abstract.
I like fusion art. I want it to make a statement and to go against the norm of what we usually see in tattoos. 
Would you consider yourself more of a movie buff or comic book nerd?
    Hmm I’m more of an anime nerd!! I love movies and comics but I love anime more.
    Who is a pop culture inspiration to you?
      Hmmm Banksy has always been an inspiration because of how much emotion he can inflict in such a simple design. And die Antwoord. I love those guys. They are so weird and unique it’s refreshing. And like prob millions of others Deadpool!
      Do you prefer tattooing fictional characters or people?
        Well I like tattooing both. Real ppl because I know how important it much is for that individual to be able to carry a memory of a loved one on their body for life  
        But fictional characters are nostalgic for everyone who sees it.
        Do you have any movie/tv inspired tattoos on yourself?
          😂 Deadpool cause well 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s Deadpool 
          And hunterxhunter is an anime thing.
          What was your experience like on Ink Master?
            I really enjoyed Ink Master it made me look at where I was as an artist and want to push forward harder.  Plus I’m kinda a dick anyway and they like vocal ppl so it was a good relationship.
            What's your advice on how to make your tattoos stand out?
              For me, the most important thing on the tattoos I do is trying to replicate the emotion the person receiving it wants to convey. Sometimes it’s just a simple look in the eyes accompanied by some iconic symbols surrounding them. Good color balance and legibility is key though. If you can’t read it ten feet away you designed it wrong. 
              See more from Jason on his Instagram: @Jasontattooer or click here! 


              • Man Jason is one of the best friends I’ve ever had . I really love this guy probably more than he will ever realize. I’m very proud of how far he has went with this and he ain’t done yet just watch… And Tor the record I have the very first Jason Elliot tattoo on my leg and another piece he done on my forearm. Amarzing work brother can wait to catch up with you

                Silas freeman
              • Great work. Where are you located

                Gayleen Davis
              • Say j I’m bout to be out the feds and I really need you to do one of my legs for me

              • Jason Rockz

              • I would love to get better at tattooing I have done some that came out very well but I need to learn a lot more.


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