What does the Coronavirus Mean for the Tattoo Industry?

Friday the 13th - a day that typically brings a lot of business to tattoo shops, saw record-breaking lows this year with the recent spread of COVID-19. Promotional sales like $13 flash tattoos didn't bring in the standard flood of clients, because most people were flooding to the grocery stores instead. This leads us to wonder, what does COVID-19 mean for tattoo artists and clients?

Event after event is being unfortunately canceled. Obviously traveling is not recommended at this time. Some tattoo shops are closing their doors for the next two weeks. Others are taking regular pre-cautions with adding barrier gowns, face masks, and extra gloves to avoid contact. 

Fortunately, tattoo artists already clean regularly and use disposable gloves, so they are in the practice of maintaining clean, safe workspaces. The biggest hindering factor is the fear of catching COVID-19. People are staying away from social gatherings and spending more time in their homes, which is what is recommended by the CDC. 

Remember the Center for Disease Control says that the most effective way to prevent the spread of this virus is by washing your hands, avoiding touching your face, and covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough. If you are feeling unwell do not go to your appointment, provide your tattoo artist with notice and reschedule your appointment. 

Some tattoo artists might have to reschedule your appointment, while others might have more strict guidelines to ensure their safety as well as your own. Please bear with them during this difficult, unpredictable time. 


Cover image by: Maria Oswalt

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